Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Mom of the Year Strikes Again

Aww now isn't that darn tootin' cute? Little Piper Palin picked something up from mommie dearest standing behind her - the ways of the middle finger. The big ole fuck you. Apparently the younger boy behind her must have been teasing her with all sorts of malicious monikers. Loser? Princess? Shawty? Who knows. All that this photo reveals is that the little Alaskan learned to flip the bird at a young age. Gee, and can we blame TV on this case? Methinks not. I mean, after all, look who her mommy is - Caribou Barbie, armed with 12-gauge shotgun and moose that drops dead when you pull the trigger! You know, the more reports that came out about Mrs. Palin as the campaign wore on the more I wondered how dysfunctional that family really was.

*Alaskan accent* Ohh noo Mr. Laurer, don't be absurd! I never took any clothes worth no $150,000 from the Republican National Committee! What's that? It's all in the boooks as having been purchased in New York City? That's preposterous. I'm a very sensible maverick, don'tyouknow. I would never be dishonest about something like that. ... Well, now that you mention it, maybe I did take some clothes back to Alaska. Oop-sey.

C'mon now. Once that first rumor came out, that her oldest daughter really wasn't pregnant and that the baby was really Sarah's - didn't we all know something was rotten in the state of Denmark err I mean Alaska? It's just been one thing after another with her. Didn't help things none during McCain's concession speech when Sarah and Todd stood a distance away from Cindy and John, only to walk over to shake hands quickly and part ways. McCain can be a gentleman all he wants when he chats to Jay Leno or whatever show he's making rounds on these days. The look in his eye says it all. Like, you can't fully blame Georgie Boy for this blunder. Yeah, he had a loose tongue during his campaign (saying "cunt" instead of "can't" - uhm you may want to get those dentures looked at Mr. Senator sir) and he acted like an asshole during some of the debates but the guy was putting everything out there. You can't fully control something that's going rogue.

Wait - can we really liken McCain and Palin to the Empire and the Rebel Alliance? Holy shit we can.

Even so, regardless if the two didn't get along or not over the last three months, this post is all about Palin teaching bad etiquette. Listen Sarah, the American people aren't dumb. The power of YouTube is amazing these days. We saw your little videos of when you were 19 (but scaringly looked to be your current age even then yipe) working your thang at a beauty pagaent. Playing your clarinet? Struttin' your (lack of) stuff on the catwalk? Making your little speeches? We know you were coached to be prim and proper. Your kids should be the same way. Instead your youngest daughter is turning into quite the hellion and your oldest is knocked up and getting married. Ohh Sarah. Hey, we can make a sitcom out of her life's story (kind of like That's My Bush!) and any network that airs it will get ratings. It's gold Jerry, gold!

...yeah, or not. Some things are left to stay out of the spotlight anyway.

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